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Tips on Potty Training Your Toddler During the Day and Night

A toddler needs to be helped with almost everything until they are of age to take care of themselves. A toddler needs to be fed, a toddler needs to be attended to when easing him or herself. It takes training for a baby to be able to use the potty. Some parents feel once a child is good with day time potty habit, it should automatically transfer to night time potty habit; NO! Night time potty habit has its own training.Remember that you should be consistent and patient during the potty training process.

Learn fun ways to teach your toddler day and night time potty habits. Remember, while some toddlers start early: from 18 months, 24 months others still need more time before they will be ready.

Use the keywords

First tip to potty train your child is to make the toddler understand these key words: potty, pee/wewe and poop. 

Understand the child’s actions

Once the child starts to feel uncomfortable to pee or poop in the diaper, know that it is time to start potty training. Gradually introduce the potty by taking the child to the potty. Teach the child how to seat comfortably on the potty.

Create potty use awareness 

Create the awareness and understanding that it is not right to pee or poop on your body or clothes. The right place to do that is the potty. Draw the child’s attention to the potty whenever the child needs to ease himself or herself. You can understand these signs when the child tries to drag diaper or pants down etc.

That a child has day potty knowledge doesn’t guarantee night knowledge.

Regulate night eating and drinking

Be sure that the child eats and drinks at least two hours before bedtime. This will reduce the need for the usage of potty in the night time.

Pee before bedtime

Make sure the child pees before bed time, restlessness indicates that the child has a need to ease himself or herself. Let the child know the position of the potty so he or she can find it.

Leave lights on

The child should be able to find his or her way when the need to use the potty arises. 

Bonne Chance!!

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