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Seven Tips For Talking To Children So They Actually Listen

 Children are fast learners and imitators,so it is advisable to be your child’s role model even in the way you talk or address him or her. There is a method of talking to children that is not harsh or complacent but will actually make them listen. Learn more from these fun tips for talking to children so they actually listen. 

  1. Be clear with your instructions

Children are very intelligent but at this early age, they find it difficult following too many instructions. Be brief and precise with what you want to talk about and they will listen to you. 

  1. Be firm

If you are harsh in speech, your children will find it difficult to relate with you. Whenever you call them, they will assume that something is wrong. To talk to your children and make them to actually listen, you have to be firm and precise but do it lovingly. 

  1. Refrain from using abusive language

Children are very sensitive; they will never want to identify with an abusive parent. If you want to talk to your kids so they actually listen, do not use abusive language or words. 

  1. Seek their opinion

Even as we want our children to listen to us when we talk to them, they also want to talk to us and share their views. To achieve this you have to learn to engage them and seek their response directly or indirectly by asking them open ended questions so they also can participate in the discussion.  

  1. Create avenues for family talk

Having frequent family talk or one on one discussion with your kids builds a bond with them; this will make them to listen to you when you talk to them.

  1. Do not command, explain

Though they are children, they do not like to be commanded: don’t do this, don’t do that, stop that, come here right now etc. Children want to be loved and appreciated too. You can get their attention by actually explaining to them why they should not do this or that. 

  1. Listen to what they have to say

If you want your kids to actually listen to you when you talk to them, then you also have to learn to listen to them when they are expressing themselves. 

If you are harsh to your children in speech, they will rebel, if you become too gentle in talking to them, they will take everything like a joke.  Learn to be assertive when talking to your kids; these methods will actually improve your talking with them; and they will actually listen. 

Bonne Chance!!

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