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Tips On Raising Children As A Single Parent

Raising children as a single parent can be tough, because you have to effectively play both the role of a father and a mother. No matter the circumstances that have caused this development, you have to be there for your kids. Adopt these tips and enjoy smooth single parenting. 

  1. Be courageous 

Been courageous is the first step to successful single parenting. No matter the odds or the circumstances that have led to the situation, nothing should weigh you down; keep your head high. 

  1. Make every day count

Be abreast with your kid’s activities, make every day count; if possible, keep a diary. Don’t let any day pass without a significant positive impact on your kids. 

  1. Create avenue for communication

Create avenue for communication, if you must succeed as a single parent then you must have regular communication with your kids. Do not let your kids feel the absence of one parent; make up for the position of the missing parent. Talk with your kids, understand them.


  1. Be a role model

Be their role model, teach them good manners,values and character. Kids emulate what they see their parents do; live by example. Be your kids first teacher.

  1. Love your kids no matter the circumstances

No matter the circumstances involved, show your kids undiluted love. Do not transfer aggression to your kids; that is the way to succeed as a single parent. 

  1. Avoid complaining and murmuring 

Kids are very sensitive, murmuring and complaining can affect them psychological; refrain from the habit, if there is a challenge, iron it out with your kids in a family or heart to heart discussion. 


  1. Don’t be hard on yourself

One sure way to be successful as a single parent is to learn to be happy no matter the circumstances. Do not be hard on yourself, it can even lead to depression. Be happy and encouraged at all times.You can beat depression and remain positive by doing the things you love,exercise, meditation and spiritual engagements.Take care of yourself and do not be afraid to ask for help from trusted friends and family.


  1. Encourage your kids

Do not compare your kids with other children or with one another, apart from being a single parent, it is an act of bad parenting. Encourage your kids and do not hold on to past mistakes, always using it as a reference. 

Bonne Chance!!

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