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Seven Hacks to Make Your Family Home Look Expensive

Your family home can look neat and very expensive if you know the tricks. These hacks are pointers to how to make your family home look expensive; borrow a leaf. 

Use paintings

Paints add beauty in colours and design, use different combination of paints and design to get that cute look that will enhance the beauty of your home to a lush taste. 

Use full length curtains

Curtains have a way of adding beauty to your home especially when they are made to touch the ground; they present a kind of fullness and beauty to the home.

Use lightings

Lightings can add that very expensive look you desire to your home without spending much. Get good combination of lights and beautiful lamp holders to create the magic.  

Use throw pillows 

Get beautifully designed throw pillows; position them at strategic points, and on the chairs. They add glamour to your home, making it look expensive. 

Get a fancy mirror

Apart from making the home look expensive, mirrors also have the ability to make the home or room look larger than its actual size. You can try this trick, it is fun. 

Use portraits 

Get beautiful portraits, they make the eyes of whoever visits you to go round the room. They add a marvel to your home making it look expensive. 

Use art works 

Art works are another fun way to make your home very expensive, learn to be a collector of art works, place them here and there and add beauty and glamour to your home.

Remember that a beautiful home brings joy,calmness, positive vibrations and favour. 

Bonne Chance!!

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