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Five Things Mothers Should Teach Their Daughters

There are certain things that a mother should teach her daughter before she passes through the different stages of growth: adolescence, puberty,teen etc.the mother should have taken her through these vital lessons.It is interesting to know that the mother today was also a little child. Isn’t this a pointer to the fact that she is knowledgeable in the route the girl child will follow? But that’s just the plain truth, so it means the mother is the right person to teach the daughter the basic principles of the life of a daughter growing to become a mother.

Five vital lessons a mother should teach a daughter are these discussed below; not in the order of priority. 

  1. Contentment

The power of contentment is one vital lesson a mother should teach and also instill in her daughter. It is the key to being satisfied with what you have in order not to take a negative step to acquire what you don’t have. It is the key to warding off negative influences of peer pressure. Contentment is also the key to inner peace and joy. Mothers should endeavour to teach their daughters this vital lesson. 

  1. Self esteem 

Peer pressure is like a plague that if when unchecked can ravage the life of a child, especially a girl child. The antidote to the negative influence of peer pressure is self esteem. Mothers should teach their daughters, self esteem daily. She should live her life and not try to imitate another person. As she goes out you mention it, as she comes home you mention it. Mothers should teach their daughters to have TOTAL regard, respect and value for themselves.

  1. Confidence

Self confidence has to do with believing in one’s self. Research says that those that believe in themselves will achieve more than those that don’t.  A girl child needs to be self confident and bold to be able to stand out in the crowd. She needs self confidence to be outspoken, to defend herself and to excel. It is the duty of the mother to teach her daughter to be confident in herself, her skills, ability and capability.

  1. Honesty

Honesty has to do with morality; we all aspire to grow children with good morals. Mother, would you be happy to have a daughter that lies to you? It will be a very sad experience to have such a daughter. That is why as a mother, honesty should be one of the lessons you should teach your daughter. It builds trust; an honest child will be free to tell you her pains and even her relationships trustfully. 

  1. Focus

Life is like a market place where you come to buy and sell your wares; being focused on our goals and objectives is the key to be able to optimize our achievements here on earth. Mothers, take up the challenge to teach your daughters to be focused on their dreams. Even getting the right husband is tied to being focused on that right choice. Make focus your watchword.

Life is interesting in all spheres if we follow the principles that guide it. Your daughter is growing to be a mother; that is why it is the duty of the mother to teach their daughters these basic principles woven with the fear of God. It will create a better society where women will be respected and accorded the benefits due them. 

Bon Chance!!


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