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Ten Essential Life Skills Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

Great kids are the heritage and pride of parents, the community and the society at large. But great kids do not just come by; they would have received life changing instructions and life skills from home. There is no child that is born wise. Wisdom is learnt and learnt daily too, by instruction, learning, discovery etc. 

Every parent should make it a duty to teach their kids life skills that will take them through life. Life skills are essential for a kid’s speedy progress in life; teaching them is part of parenting. 

  1. Dignity in labour

It is the idea of effortless winning that brings about sharp practices, cheatings, distortions of truth and bad governance. One essential life skill that parents should teach their kids is dignity in labour. The child should grow to be able to defend his or her wealth.  

  1. The power of sound reasoning

There is power in the art of sound reasoning, it makes a good leader. Equip your kids with the power to sound reasoning. A child that has this skill will always be optimistic about life. Engage your kids in decision making to grow this essential life skill.

  1. Healthy life style

A healthy life style is one key life skill that parents need to teach their kids. It transcends youth unto old age. It is all encompassing; healthy eating, cleanliness etc. A child should know from that tender age that he or she should wash hands after toilet use and before and after eating.

  1. Wisdom

 Wisdom is acquired by learning, by observing etc. Teach your child to be wise and how to acquire more wisdom. A child guided by wisdom will always follow the right part and also make the right decisions in life matters. It is an essential life skill parents should teach their children.  

  1. How to relate with others and in public

A child who doesn’t know how to relate with others and how to relate in public will fall into many pits as they journey through life. He or she will make many enemies that will make life drudgery. It is important that parents teach them this life skill to avert this challenge as the kids grow. 

  1. The art of listening 

Many grownups do not know how to listen; it is a skill that is learned; and the best time to learn it is from childhood. Parents should make it part of life skills that their kids need to have. 

  1. Studying

Someone who studies will have an active mind even at old age. A kid who studies will have a whole lot of information at his or her fingertips.  One life skill that kids must be taught from childhood is the art of studying; study to know more, there is no limit to learning to be abreast with life challenges. 

  1. Respect for self and authority

Respect for self and authority breeds humility and kills pride which they say goes before a fall. Parents should teach their kids to have respect for themselves and authority. It will save the kids from a lot of trouble. It brings about caution on the decisions a kid makes, how the kids carry themselves and how they relate with others. 

  1. How to speak out

Teach your kids how to speak out, it is a veritable life skill that a kid should have. A child who speaks out will be saved from a lot of troubles. Parents should teach their kids this life skill to save their kids from troubles. 

  1. Patience

Patience is quite different from procrastination; it is an essential life skill that kids should be taught at a very tender age. Patience builds hope and a strong desire for achievement.

Bonne Chance!!

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