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Causes And Prevention Of Uterine Prolapse


The uterus or the womb is one of the reproductive organs in women. It is pear shaped and located in the pelvis. When the muscles supporting it become weak, it is termed medically as uterine prolapse. The effect of this includes leakage of urine, frequent constipation, bulging vagina etc. 

The major causes of this health condition include: 

  • Childbirth

The uterine muscles are strained during childbirth; the muscles supporting the uterus slacken or get weak over a period as you put to birth resulting in uterine prolapse.

  • Pregnancy

Pregnancy is another common cause of uterine prolapse. A lot of pressure and tension on the uterine muscles during pregnancy weakens the supporting muscles over a period of pregnancies which results in uterine prolapse if not properly managed. 

  • Obesity

This is a health condition resulting in being overweight, obesity can occur at any point in life if we don’t check what we eat or drink. The excess expansion of the muscles supporting the uterus by being overweight can result into uterine prolapse.

  • Menopausal hormonal changes

A lot of hormonal changes and imbalances occur in women after menopause; the reproductive system which the uterine is part of also tends to relax and the supporting muscles also slacken, this results in uterine prolapse. 

  • Straining to  stool

This may sound strange to some persons but it is one of the causes for uterine prolapse. It is not only the anal muscles that are affected when we strain to stool, the uterine muscles are affected also; they weaken and slacken over time. 

Prevention of uterine prolapse

Pregnancy and childbirth which are some of the causes of uterine prolapse cannot be totally avoided but there are other things one can do to avoid uterine prolapse.

  • Engage in specialized exercises

There are specialized exercises like the kegel exercise that are meant to strengthen the muscles supporting the uterus. Find time to exercise.

  • Severe coughing

This is one of the causes of uterine prolapse, treat your cough situation before it gets severe.

  • Avoid weight gain

Like mentioned above, obesity is one of the known causes of uterine prolapse, so avoiding weight gain can be a measure to avoid uterine prolapse.

  • Avoid straining to stool

Avoiding straining to stool is another measure against uterine prolapse. Drink plenty water and citrus fruits to loosen your bowels.

Uterine prolapse can be very inconveniencing for a woman, it is best to try to avoid it. Stay healthy. 

Bon Chance!!

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