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Tips On Teaching Your Children About Money.

Money matters are issues that parents need to teach their children.Different methods have been adopted by parents to teach their children about money, some even adopt cultural approach, but if you follow these steps mentioned, you would have succeeded in teaching your child important knowledge about money.

  1. The value of money

Teach your child the value of money, if your child understands the worth of money, he or she will be able to manage his or her resources properly. 

  1. Savings 

Teach your child the culture of saving; not all the money earned should be spent, a little needs to be set aside for future use and projects. A child can be introduced to the old piggy bank saving method or even a transparent jar where he or she could see the money increase as more is saved. It will be fun for the child also knowing he or she owns a piggy bank.

  1. Teach budgeting

Kids need to learn budgeting or planning; it depends on the language they will understand. Budgeting entails many things when teaching children about money. It means teaching them how to make a scale of preference, teaching them against impulse buying, teaching them to be good financial managers etc.

  1. Contentment 

A child needs to learn to be content from childhood. Once a child is content, he or she will be free from most crimes involving misappropriation of money.

  1. Money is earned

A child should be made to understand that money is earned; money flows in the direction of service. You earn money when you render service. Money gotten from sharp practice gives worries.

The mind of a child is very active, the lessons you teach a child about money are not lost. The child holds them in high regard and may never forget it.Once you can drive these points home; your child will become a good money manager, he will know how to grow his wealth and how to secure his finances. 

Bon Chance!!

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