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Five Tips on Teaching Your Preschooler How To Write


Have you wondered why some people have beautiful handwriting and some have unorganized handwriting? It all started with the learning process. As a parent, you don’t have to wait until your toddler gets to school before he or she starts to learn how to write; teach your preschooler to write from home and it will be easy for the child when he or she is enrolled into formal school.There are different methods to teach your preschooler how to write, five of these basic methods includes:

Create a writing space 

The writing space is like a mini studio for the child, a place where the child could sit comfortably and express his or her writing idea. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just a comfortable chair, a table of proper height and smooth surface and writing materials.

How to hold the pencil and how to place the paper

After creating the writing space, this should be the first step when teaching your preschooler how to write; it is dependent on the age of the child anyway. Teach the child how to handle the pencil, and how to place the paper or book. Once this step is perfected, the rest will be easier.  

Write with the child

It is fun when teaching a preschooler how to write, in the process, you as a parent or guardian is also learning how to write, and if your own handwriting is in the class labeled as disorganized, you can find improvement. This method entails you holding the hand of the preschooler and following a pattern.


Tracing is an old time method of learning how to write, by statistics, almost every child used the tracing method when they were learning how to write. Tracing involves the preschooler tracing earmarked letters until he or she perfects them.

Play connecting the dots

Connecting the dots is a fun way to teach your preschooler how to write. It involves the child learning how to write alphabets by drawing lines to connect dots you have marked for him or her. 

Beautiful and readable handwriting is and asset and a thing of pride, teach your preschooler how to write using these fun ways, they are easy and effective.

Bonne Chance!!

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