Important Manners You Should Teach Your Children
Nurturing a child is not only in the academics but all encompassing. A child needs to be taught everything about life and manners for daily living in order to know how to conduct him or herself in public.
The right time to teach your child important manners is now; some of these basic manners include:
Basic hygiene
No parent will be happy if his or her child starts to get sickly; it is inconveniencing, it brings unrest in the home and it also consumes unbudgeted finances. That is why it is important to teach the child basic hygiene, washing hands after toilet use, washing hands before eating, being silent during meals, learning to drink enough water to stay hydrated etc.
A respectful child is a plus to the family and the society. Teach your child to respect the elderly and those that are his or her senior. Respect they say is reciprocal.
How and when to say, please
Please is one simple word but it goes a very long way. A child should know that is proper to say please when asking for a favour. A child should know how to say please when he or she needs assistance.
Thank you
One important manner a parent should teach his or her child is how to say, thank you. A child that knows how to say, thank you will have many favours.
As a parent, do not forget to teach your child honesty. Honesty is the bedrock of peace of mind. Honesty should be included as one important lessoin you will teach your child
Covering the mouth before sneezing or coughing
This is one life’s etiquette that a parent should teach his or her child. It is hygienic and will save the child from a lot of embarrassment.
To ask before taking
Is the item yours? If the answer is No! Then you do not have the right to take it, but you can have it if you ask for it. That is why it is important to teach the child to ask for a thing before taking it.
Being polite is not a lesson for children alone, even adults have to learn to be polite. That is why it should be included as one of the important lessons a parent should teach his or her children. It starts from this tender age.
Never to use foul language
Foul language in the mouth of a child is like ulcer that has gone bad, parents, teach your children not to use fouls language. Their speech should be edifying.
Boldness and self confidence
Boldness and self confidence will take the child a long way in life. The child won’t be easily intimidated; the child will also be able to express him or herself. A child who has this character will do well in class, as a leader and in the career path. Parents, teach your children to be bold and self confident.
Bon Chance!!
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