Tips on helping your child deal with not winning end of school session award
Have you ever had an expectation and somehow it eluded you? The way you felt is the same way your child feels when he or she doesn’t win the end of school session award.
It’s the dream of every parent that their children should win the end of school session award, however, it doesn’t always happen that way. While some kids naturally cope with not winning the end of school session award, some take the pain and embarrassment of not winning extreme. In situations like this, a parent will need to teach the child coping styles to deal with not winning the award.
These tips can help your child deal with not winning the end of school session award.
How to celebrate others
Definitely it won’t be every student that will win the end of school session award. If your child wins, it is worth celebrating, but if your child doesn’t win the award, you have to teach the child to learn to celebrate others in their moment of victory so he or she would also be celebrated when they win.
Teach your child the spirit of a sportsman
A sportsman is one who doesn’t commit suicide because he lost a competition. A sportsman takes every loss as a lesson for improvement and looks forward to winning the next event, and even if he doesn’t, he believes he will do better with extra effort.
Understand the way your child feels
In helping your child deal with not winning the end of school session award, you as a parent or guardian must also understand the way the child feels. That way, you will be able to proffer quick solution. Don’t deal with the child in isolation, get into his shoes.
Make home welcoming
The child doesn’t win the end of school session award doesn’t mean the home should now be a battle field, with every mistake done you make the child’s not winning the award a reference point. Make the home comfortable for the child and he or she will strive to win the award come next session.
Encourage the child
One very important thing a parent should do in helping a child deal with not winning the end of school session award is to encourage the child to put more academic effort to enable him or her win the award come next session.
End of school session awards are very significant in the life of children, if your child doesn’t win, that doesn’t mean the child is a failure, assist the child with the tips mentioned and the child will surprise you with the award in the next school session
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