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Tips On Helping Your Child Overcome Shyness

Several researches abound on the causes of shyness and researchers have different answers.They attribute it to parental over protectiveness,lack of confidence, while other studies point to genetic inherited behaviour as a possible cause.

As parents we should start to teach our children early to be bold, confident and to stand up for himself or herself. Here are great tips that is sure to help your child overcome shyness. 

  1. Teach self confidence

Self confidence is not only a skill to be learnt by a shy child, every child need to be confident in himself or herself. It is by knowing your worth and value and not letting yourself to be looked down on. 

  1. Stop comparison

Don’t compare your child with another child; your child is unique in himself or herself. That your child is shy doesn’t mean that the other child is better than your child. Identify your child’s salient qualities and build your child’s strength on them.

  1. Teach speaking skills

Make your child a talkative; it is a sure way to overcome shyness. Teach your child speaking skills. Let your child be the one to answer that question in class. 

  1. Encourage your child

Everyone, even adults need encouragement, your shy child is not left out. Make your child understand that he or she would do better next time and that this first attempt wasn’t bad, but it can be better. That way your child will speedily overcome shyness. 

  1. Teach sociability 

Teach your child to be sociable, let your child learn how to interact with his classmates and friends in school and at home. Teach your child to make more friends and also learn to be more sociable. 

A shy child will have so many limitations that’s why parents need to help their children that are shy to overcome it.

Bon Chance!!

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