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Five Ways To Deal With Your Child Who Is A Bully

Having a child who is a bully can be challenging for a parent, you won’t be sure of what the next story will be as the child returns from school or from an outing. Different things pushes a child to be a bully, it could be self protection, inferiority or superiority complex, or just being mischievous. 

If you have a child who is a bully, the best time to deal with the behavior is at the tender age. There are different methods that parents, guardians and teachers have adopted to deal with children and pupils that are bullies, some of these include. 

  1. Teaching the child confidence

Like mentioned earlier, inferiority complex can make a child a bully. The child sees it as a way to cover his or her lapses; it is important you teach your child self confidence and boldness and not to be abusive as a means to cover up his or her perceived shortfalls. 

  1. Heartfelt conversation 

One effective way to deal with your child who is a bully is to have a heartfelt conversation with the child. At the child’s happy moment, start the conversation and pinpoint to the child the ills and gains if there is any of bullying. Tell the child genuine and identifiable reasons why you want the attitude to stop. 

  1. Regular workouts

One fun way to deal with your child who is a bully is to have regular workouts with the child. This method enables the child to let off the excess energy and redirects his mind and thoughts towards positive vibes

  1. Teaching how to relate with others

This is another fun way to deal with your child who is a bully. It involves teaching the child how to react to situations, how to speak in public and how to relate with other people etc.

  1. Set limits and consequences

In dealing with your child who is a bully, you can set limits with penalties. Do not hesitate to make the child serve the penalty for bullying someone. Put the child under strict watch and be sure to scold the child promptly. 

Bullying can be in the form of verbal abuse, physical abuse, threats, mimicking, cyber attack and even callings etc. In whichever category your child falls into, deal with it headlong for a better society. 

Bonne Chance!!

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